Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is arbitration?
2. What is ad hoc arbitration?
3. What is institutional arbitration?
4. Can CI-MAC provide legal advice?
5. Are parties required to be represented by lawyers in CI-MAC arbitrations?
6. What are the benefits of arbitration?
7. What are the advantages of arbitration in the Cayman Islands?
8. What is the difference between arbitration and mediation?
9. Do hearings have to be held in Cayman for CI-MAC to administer the arbitration?
10. What platform does CI-MAC use to host virtual hearings?
11. What are the security specifications for virtual hearings?
12. How is an arbitration commenced under CI-MAC's rules?
13. How is a Notice of Arbitration filed?
14. Can an arbitration be commenced at CI-MAC without an arbitration clause?
15. Does CI-MAC have a model arbitration clause?
16. How does the Respondent file a Response after receiving a Notice of Arbitration?
17. What happens if the Claimant fails to pay the Case Filing Fee?
18. What happens if the Respondent fails to pay the Counterclaim Filing Fee?
19. Can CI-MAC provide a sample Notice of Arbitration?
20. Can CI-MAC administer arbitration where the governing law of the contract is not Cayman Islands law?
21. Can CI-MAC administer arbitrations where the seat of the arbitration is not in Cayman?
22: Would an arbitration clause which provides for "arbitration in Cayman" or "Cayman Islands arbitration" be sufficient for CI-MAC to administer the arbitration under CI-MAC rules?
23. What is the case filing fee?
24. How are filing fees paid?
25. Can CI-MAC administer arbitrations in languages other than English?
26. Does CI-MAC have a roster of arbitrators?
27. Can CI-MAC act as an appointing authority for ad hoc arbitration?
28. Can CI-MAC act as an appointing authority for experts to resolve technical disputes outside of arbitration?
29. What does CI-MAC charge to act as an appointing authority?
30. Do arbitrators have to be lawyers?
31. Can a party nominate an arbitrator who is not on CI-MAC's roster?
32. How does one apply to be included on CI-MAC's roster?
33. Can provide technology or help prepare parties for upcoming virtual or hybrid hearings?
35. Does CI-MAC provide document management?
36. What is an arbitral secretary and does CI-MAC offer them?
37. What are virtual case managers?